Pacific Reserve Studies
Why You Should Run for Election to the Board of Directors of Your HOA
Some homeowners run for their board for the wrong reasons. Some homeowners run for their board for the right reasons. One thing is certain – If you are elected to your board, you will share the power to make decisions about what is probably your largest asset - your home.
Board members have many powers. Boards:
- Decide how assessment income will be spent. The money can be spent wisely, or it can be wasted.
- Determine who will be hired to perform:
- Property management services
- Landscape maintenance
- Building maintenance
- Cleaning
- Legal Services
- Tax returns, reviews and audits
- Establish the agendas for each meeting,
- Are responsible for the accuracy of meeting minutes,
- Schedule elections and make certain they are conducted fairly and in accordance with California law,
- Establish necessary Operating Rules,
- Select and work with the association’s assessment collection company to minimize delinquent assessments,
- Approve or reject architectural improvement applications,
- Are responsible for CC&R and Rules enforcement,
- Are responsible for HOA legal compliance,
- Are responsible for holding and conducting meetings in accordance with California law, and
- Are responsible for budgeting and obtaining Reserve Studies so that adequate reserves are developed and special assessments avoided.
If you are elected to your association’s board, you will participate in all important decisions. If you are not on the board, you will not be in a position to participate in the important decisions affecting the value of your home and how your money will be spent.
Coast Management of California